Reboot. Release. Remember.
"It's pure Euphoria. Extraordinary!"
Savannah Miller, Fashion Designer
Thich Nhat Hanh
The AHA Breathwork Journey is a guided 90-minute live online experience that takes you from the stress and strain of your everyday life into a deeply nourishing state of stillness, connection and grace, with no negative after effects.
The Journey draws mostly on Conscious Breathwork: a method that can give rise to profound physical, emotional and spiritual healing - all from the comfort and privacy of your home.
The benefits of Conscious Breathwork
Cleanses & rejuvenates your body
Boosts Immune System
Cleanses the skin
Promotes digestion
Lowers blood pressure
Initiates relaxation & deep sleep
Reduces anxiety, stress & depression
Releases suppressed emotions & trauma
Safely releases anger & grief
Increases confidence & self esteem
Improves relationships
Improves focus and concentration
Expands self awareness
Greater connection to self & others
Increases clarity, joy & creativity
Experience states of love & bliss
Aids compassion & self-acceptance
Elevates mood & improves energy
"I was feeling completely strung out and this was the perfect antidote. Peace, joy and freedom, with just my breath, amazing!
Chris King, Founder
Why this experience is different
The AHA Breathwork Journey is an experience that meets you where you are,
in the midst of your everyday stresses and worries, and guides you back home to yourself.
It’s a journey of letting go and reconnecting.
People often experience profound peace and a sense of wholeness.
Breathwork takes you beyond traditional cognitive-based therapies and the well worn
patterns of your “thinking mind” and connects you with the intelligence of your body and
your own deep inner wisdom.
The AHA Breathwork experience is anchored in a powerfully curated sound journey
that enables you to expand your perspective and access higher realms of consciousness.
What you'll need
A decent internet connection
Comfortable clothing
A quiet place to lie down
Lungs and air!
Blanket & Pillow
Water to drink
"Wonderful, heart-opening, healing magic"
Mandy Russell, Performance Coach
How to prepare
Hydrate 2 hours before
You don't want your bladder to interupt your experience
Set your intention
to have a powerful, transformational experience
Eat lightly on the day
And avoid food 2 hours prior to the experience
Trust this session's perfect timing
& relevance to exactly where you are & what you need
"Wow, that was one of the most astounding,
magnificent and blissful experiences of my life!"
Georgina Hamilton, Founder of Bodhi Khaya Retreat
Your Guides
Dr. Jenny and Max Remington-Hobbs
Jenny is a heart warrior and mind-body-spirit junkie. She loves combining her years as a doctor, and psychiatrist with her expertise in human behaviour, neuroscience and breathwork to help humans to rewrite their stories and live from their hearts.
Max is an intrepid adventurer. He designs and facilitates journeys of self-discovery for courageous explorers. He works with individuals and teams on a mission to wake up and contribute their gifts.
Jenny & Max are a husband and wife team who met serendipitously 28 years ago and have been together since university. Sharing a deep passion for exploring and understanding the human condition, they founded the AHA Project in 2018 to create journeys and experiences for people to live with more peace, purpose and wonder.
"I felt much more connected, I could feel my fingertips, my toes,
my whole body connected."
Gus Schellekens, COO
Important Health Note
Conscious Breathwork is a powerful practice that may result in certain physiological
changes in the body, and can result in intense physical and emotional release.
It is not recommended if you have or experience:
Pregnancy, epilepsy, glaucoma or detached retina, diagnosis of aneurysms, high blood pressure that is not controlled with medication, use of prescription blood thinning medications, recent surgery or broken bones, strokes, seizures, TIA's or other brain/neurological diseases, cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including prior heart attack, prior diagnosis by a health professional of panic disorder, bipolar or schizophrenia.
Next Breathwork Journey
12 December 2024
1800 CET
What people say about AHA Breathwork
The AHA Breathwork experience is deeply rejuvenating and aligning. It helps you shed layers of distraction & connects you to what is truly important.
OMG, that was the most extraordinary experience of my whole life! It was just completely amazing!
It felt as if every cell in my body was reverberating and it was an amazing purification of the whole system.
It's the key back to myself. Breathing, allowing and coming back wiser, with a deep connection with my higher self.
It was a powerful experience. I could literally feel the atoms, molecules & energy that make up me. I fell deep into my essence.
I never knew I was able to drop so deeply into myself and uncover a state of such extraordinary bliss, clarity and stillness.
AHA Breathwork is a live online 90-minute event.
Wednesday 12 December 2024 at 1800 CET.
The cost of a Breathwork Journey is £20. We are, however, offering our December 2024 Breathwork Journey for free.
Breathwork is a tool of transformation that has been used for millennia - it’s amazing to now be able to have this experience online, from the comfort and privacy of your own home (and your own bed!)
Through headphones, you’ll be guided through a breathwork practice (which will be demonstrated in the session) and be taken on a carefully curated breath and sound journey. The role of music is incredibly powerful in the way that it guides and deepens your experience.
You’ll be guided to breathe with the music, at different tempos and can experience everything from physical discomfort through to ecstatic bliss as you let go and reconnect. The experience can take you into a space of deep peace and, towards the end, it can feel as if you've gone to sleep but you’re actually in a profound state of relaxation.
You’ll be encouraged to move your body in any way it wants to. There’s no right or wrong way of doing this!
Continuous connected breathing creates a temporary disruption in your cellular chemistry which facilitates a release of blockages and stuck energy. You can experience everything from physical discomfort through to ecstatic bliss and feel a variety of physical sensations - your body might feel hot or cold, completely numb or tingling.
A very common response is tetany, where muscles especially in the hands (and other body parts) feel stiff or as if they are cramping up or in a spasm. This might feel uncomfortable when experienced for the first time since it’s such an unusual feeling! This is actually a very healing experience where stress and energy are released on a cellular level. The body tenses up with accumulated, pent-up energy and then releases it through the Breathwork journey.
Physiologically, the tingling sensation is also due to a change in the carbon-dioxide and oxygen ratio.
If you get tetany, we encourage you to let it be as intense as it wants to be, this will result in a great release. Breathe through it. If it becomes too much you can simply slow down the breathing and it will subside.
Changes in the carbon-dioxide and oxygen ratio can lead to:
None of these physical sensations will last once your breath returns to normal and you can expect no “side effects.”
Ensure you’re in a quiet comfortable place, where you can lie down and won’t be disturbed 🤫
You’ll need:
- Hydrate 2 hours before
- Avoid food for 2 hours prior to the experience
- Set your intention to have a powerful transformational experience
- Trust that this session is perfectly timed & relevant to exactly where you are in your journey
Conscious Breathwork is a powerful practice that may result in certain physiological changes in the body and can also result in intense physical and emotional release.
It is not recommended if you have or experience:
Prior diagnosis by a health professional of panic disorder, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia or recent hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition.
Artwork by Oliver Barnett
© Copyrights by AHA Project. All Rights Reserved.